2012 VMA 10 Mile Championship
19 August 2012 @ 10:00:00 AEST - 11:30:00 AEST
| $10VMA 10 Mile Championship – Princes Park
Date Sunday 19 August 2012
Time 10:00
Parking, Registration, Start Line and Course
Parking and registration are located within the car park area of the Northern Pavilion. This pavilion faces Royal Parade and is immediately on the south side of Carlton Football ground – [refer to the attached Map of Princes Park].
Registration will be available up until 9:45 with start time 10:00. (cost $10)
Participants will be gathered together to walk to the start line approximately 120m to the north of the North Pavilion driveway.
The course is 5 laps (approx 3.2km each lap) of Princes Park. The course is run on asphalt for the Royal Parade and Cemetery Road section (western side of the park) and on the sandy running track for the Princess Park Drive and Bowen Crescent section (eastern side of the park).
Toilets (refer map)
For further information contact Peter Black: 0411 950 718