Peter Colthup 5 Mile Self Handicap
26 April 2017 @ 19:00:00 AEST - 21:30:00 AEST
An invitation is extended by the Mentone Venue to all Masters runners to take part in the 23rd Annual PETER COLTHUP 5 Miles (8.045km) Road Self Handicap to be held on Wednesday April 26th at Dolamore Reserve, Mentone (Melway 87 B6).
You will have the opportunity to add your name to the illustrious past winners of the most handsome trophy in Masters Athletics – a magnificently crafted perpetual trophy carved by Louis Waser.
Medals will also be awarded to place getters and there will also be fastest time medals for M40+ and W35+.
You will also be helping to remember Peter Colthup and the tremendous contribution that he made to Victorian Masters.
Entry fee to be paid on the night.
To facilitate handicapping the event will be conducted on a Self Handicap basis whereby you provide the starter with your estimated time for 5 miles and you will be started on the basis of your estimate but to deter an athlete seeking an advantage by submitting a slow time place getters must not run more than 40 seconds faster than their estimate otherwise they will not be eligible for prizes.
Marge Colthup, Luke (Peter’s grandson) and the Mentone members look forward to your participation in this special Masters event.