Venue:      Knox Athletics Track, Bunjil Way, Knoxfield
Date:         Wed. 7th February 7.10pm start  
– Check in starts at
The event will start/finish in the car park outside the Knox track, and be an out and back course using the bike track. The distance will be 3 km for runners and 2 km for walkers.
Andy Salter Relay – four times 3k
Challenge teams must be mixed gender, ie. have at least one female, and the total combined age of the team must be at least 175 years.
Estimated times apply to all teams for a trophy
Bert Warburton Walk Relay – three times 2k
Three walkers of Masters age – no gender restrictions.
Cost – $5.00 each runner/walker –  Supper provided
Enquiries to Alan Bennie on 0428990873 or Claudio Riga on 0478312167