As you may be aware, the Coliban Relays have been cancelled for 2013.

Athletics Bendigo have created a new race at the Bendigo Racecourse to replace the relays. No, it’s not racing against horses (apologies for the misleading image). The event will be contested by runners from all local athletics clubs and one or two from other parts of Victoria.

The event will act as a test run for the cross country event held at the Oceania Masters Games to be held in Bendigo in January.
Racecourse Challenge

DATE: 13 JULY 2013
START TIME: 1:30pm
DISTANCES: 8km (2 laps)
4km (1 lap)
1500m (out and back)
800m (under 10s)

If VMA members are interested in an individual run, email Charles Chambers.

If you would like to make up a VMA team, contact David Sheehan who could put you in touch with like-minded masters.