Hi all athletes, officials, supporters, coaches!
This is a request for volunteers to help at the Victorian Masters Championships being run at East Burwood on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th of March 2014.
Please let us know if you can assist at some stage of the Championships – you may specify the day(s) and times of availability. You do not need to have training or experience in officiating at track meetings.
Start time Saturday is 1pm until approx 6pm ( that’s giving us a bit of leeway, could be earlier )
and Sunday is 9am till 5pm.
As you are probably aware, the National Junior Championships are in Sydney at the same time and some Victorian officials and coaches have chosen to go to Sydney to support that event. That leaves Athletics Victoria and VMA short of people to help run the VMA Championships.
Please let us know if you can help. Contact Athletics Victoria [Andrea Hallett] or ring or email:
Lavinia Petrie – VMA Club Captain
email – ljpetrie@alphalink.com.au
tel: – 9728 3929