The 2013 season kicked off in a similar way to the end of 2012 with Knox venue off to an early lead following the running of the 10k track run at Collingwood on 14th May. Although missing superstar Lavinia Petrie the other Knox runners showed their depth with three percentages over 80% to take an 8 point lead from Aberfeldie who had a wonderful turnout of 16 competitors. It’s a pity that many of our other venues are not this strong.
In the individual competitions Petrina Trowbridge 82.74% has a slender one point lead over Helen Stanley who ran an excellent 81.78%. In the men’s comp’ Stephen Quirk is a clear leader with a great 87.35% ahead of John Graham 83.66% and Gary Stewart 83.24% both from Knox. The next race is the 10k cross country which is a tough event for scoring as we have to use the road factors to calculate percentages as obviously there can’t be consistent factors with cross country courses. However, it is important to get a score on the board in case you have to miss a later event for some reason.
Detailed results are available via the Results tab.